We are all interconnected. What you do today, right now, matters the most. You are creating and influencing the world around you at every moment so take a deep breath, smile and shine light into your sphere of influence. It's how we can all make the world a better place. ~Zeke of Bodhicitta
It's such a small word, but it holds so much.
Mother's Day...it can be a complicated thing. Grateful my mom is here and I can celebrate with her. Thankful my daughters (and husband) are here to add snuggles to my day. And, feeling bittersweet...missing Nathan and holding close all for whom this day is painful, complicated, or just bittersweet - whether you are missing your mom, your child, or your relationships with either are strained. Wishing you moments of peace....
So, in the kindegarten, we use my iPad in the classroom, mostly for photos and documentation. Then, when I take a break, I'll sit at the desk, eat a few bites of lunch, and turn on the iPad to check email and see if my own kids or husband have left any messages - and maybe play a turn or two in Words with Friends (dad, play your word!). It always makes me chuckle when I turn on the iPad and up pops the camera app opened and focused on whatever happens to be on the desk. And, so, I share....